Curso 11 - As consecuencias psicopatológicas en víctimas de desastres |
Maria Paz García Vera (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Espanha)
Dia 21 de Outubro (terça-feira) das 14h00 às 18h00
(Curso será ministrado em espanhol)
This course will contain sections titled:
- Psychopathological consequences of traumatic events - long history in psychiatry and psychology;
- Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
- Psychological Treatment of the Psychopathological Repercussions of Terrorist Attacks
- Psychology applied to terrorism - psychological treatment for victims of terrorist attacks;
- Treatment of Other Mental Disorders
- Empirical studies on psychological treatment of people - affected by attacks, strategy or plan to attend to mental health of victims of terrorist attacks;
- Psychological treatment of psychopathological repercussions of terrorist attacks;
- Group studies on psychological treatment - of victims of terrorism;
- clinical effectiveness of psychological treatments for PTSD - in victims of terrorism;
- Innovative treatments - use of virtual reality in exposure therapy, investigated in treatment of victims of terrorism with PTSD;
- treatment of other mental disorders;
- Clearly a gap in current research - on treatment of psychopathological consequences of terrorism;
- Psychological treatments, determining - their efficacy with victims of other traumatic events